New Parishioners Form

Tip: Please enter the Primary (Main Contact) person's details first.

Planned-Giving Programme: Supporting us financially

We ask that you consider being part of our Planned Giving Program so that our parish can offer programs and services, as well as use those funds for the day-to-day operation of the parish.

  • Automatic Payments (our preference)
    • 03 1592 0207367 20 (please use your surname, first name, and ‘PG’ as a reference).
  • Planned Giving Envelopes (please email
  • Online Contribution via Credit Card (visit the parish webiste, or click here)
  • PayWave in the foyers of St Gregory’s Church or St Bede’s Chapel (on Sundays)

Privacy Policy

In completing this registration form I agree to my information being used for the pastoral and administrative purposes of the Catholic Parish of Christchurch North.

My information:

  1. will be held at the Parish Office or in a secure online environment in accordance with the Privacy Act;
  2. will only be accessed by necessary Parish Staff;
  3. will be held securely and will not be shared with third parties unless authorised by me or by law; and
  4. when my information is no longer required for the above purposes, then my information will be disposed of according to the Parish's record disposal procedure.

I understand that from time to time, the Parish seeks asssitance from the Diocese for fundraising activities and my information may be shared with the relevant Diocesan agency and/or its staff for this purpose. I understand that if my information is shared in this way then the Parish will take all reasonable steps to ensure my information is kept secure and confidential.

I understand I have a right to request access to my information and to request correction of my information.